English-Chinese Word Card Game

by PP-Cloud



Memorize(背誦)︰Random choose 20 word cards from the current word card list. Click the word card to see English/Chinese means. When you are using built-in word card list, long click the word card to add it into customized one. However, if you are using customized word card list, the word card will be removed from it.Pair(配對)︰Random choose 10 word cards from the current word card list. Please pair the English and Chinese word card to test your language level.Spell(拼字)︰Random choose 20 word cards from the current word card list. Please spell the full English vocabulary to test your language level.Search(搜尋):Search the built-in word card list and build a list by those word cards contains the keyword.Append(新增):Add a customized word card into customized word card list.Setting(設定)︰Switching the current word card list. There are built-in and customized word card list. A built-in word card list contains 100 word cards, and with the higher number means it contains more difficult word cards.